Stance on Shopping Before Engaged?

Shopping for a wedding dress before you’re engaged can be seen as unconventional, but it’s not unheard of. At Blush Love Bride, we believe in celebrating love and excitement at every stage. If you’re ready to start exploring bridal gowns, we’re here to support you. Our boutique offers a no-pressure environment where you can try on dresses and get a feel for what you like. Come visit us and let the fun begin!

However we would like to clarify our perspective on this situation. If he’s bought the ring, great come on it. If you know its happening soon and want a quick wedding, come on in. If you don’t have a boyfriend but really want to see gowns or just got bored one day and thought this would be fun, maybe go to David’s or somewhere that is built for walk in traffic as opposed to a one woman show trying to be marketing, receiving, shipping, seamstress, receptionist and stylist …………………. all day every day. Make sense? So as much as we want to support our brides, we also want them to support small business and understand that we’re not here just to play dress up, this is our actual job and you wouldn’t want someone coming to your work for two hours just for “fun” would you? Yea, didn’t think so 🙂